![]() | Name:Xu Jianguang |
Title:Professor/Graduate Supervisor | |
E-mail:xujg@sspu.edu.cn | |
Officelocation: School of Energy and Materials, No. 2360 Jinhai Road, Pudong NewArea, Shanghai | |
TeamHome Page: None |
Education Background and WorkingExperience
2022- Present Professor, School of Energy and Materials, Shanghai PolytechnicUniversity
2015-2016Visiting Scholar, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, DrexelUniversity, USA
2012- 2022 Associate Professor and Professor, School of Materials Science andEngineering, Yancheng Institute of Technology
2009-2010Post doctor of Department of Chemistry, Duke University
2005-2012Lecturer and Associate Professor, School of Mechanical and ElectricalEngineering, Hunan University of Science and Technology
2000- 2005 Doctor of Materials Science, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, ChineseAcademy of Sciences
1995- 2000 Bachelor of Science in Chemistry Department, University of Science andTechnology of China
1998- 2000 Bachelor degree in Computer Science and Technology, Department ofElectronic Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology ofChina
Fundamentalsof Materials Science, Introduction to Materials (Bilingual), Introduction toScientific Research, etc.
1.New energy materials and devices (supercapacitors, lithium-ion batteries, etc.)
2.Preparation and application of high-temperature structural ceramics;
Researching Projects
1.2017-2020 Head of general program of National Natural Science Foundation ofChina: Research on controllable synthesis and energy storage characteristics ofnew two-dimensional porous transition metal nitrides.
2.2013-2016 Head of General program of Jiangsu Natural Science Foundation:Research on preparation and its electrochemical application of graphene MAXnanosheets based on atomic layer activation.
3.2014-2016 Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas ChineseScholars, Ministry of Education of China: Research on the construction andtheir catalytic performance of core-shell bimetallic nanostructures based onatomic scale.
4.2013-2016 Head of Program of Hunan Natural Science Foundation: Research on controlledsynthesis and its microwave sintering of molybdenum disilicide based onnano-powder.
5.2007-2009 Head of Program of Hunan Natural Science Foundation: Research on thein-situ preparation of SiCw/WSi2/MoSi2 composites with microwave assisted self-propagatingsynthesis technology.
6.2013 Participated and ranked 3rd in the team of program of NationalNatural Science Foundation of China: research on preparation and its effect andmechanism of niobium-based/SiC Mo (Si, Al) 2 coating diffusion barrier based onthe in-situ reaction.
7.2018-2021 Participated and ranked 2nd in the team of major projectof the Natural Science Foundation of the Jiangsu Higher Education Institutionsof China: research on the construction and electromagnetic interaction mechanismof heterogeneous composite absorbing materials.
8.2016-2019 Participated and ranked 2nd in the team of Youth Projectof the Jiangsu Natural Science Foundation: research on photocatalyticdegradation of pollutants by ternary layered heterojunction with high energyefficiency and high activity.
Chief or Key Editor of MajorTextbooks and Monographs
1.Preparation and Properties of Molybdenum Disilicide and Its Composites,National Defense Industry Press, 2007.
Academicand Research Achievements
1.2020 The second prize of Hunan Provincial Natural Science Award for the studyon construction and its anti-oxidation and wear resistance mechanism of MoSi2composite coating on the surface of hot end metal moving parts, ranking 5/6
2.2017 Jiangsu Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, JiangsuProvincial Department of Science and Technology, for the research anddevelopment, as well as the industrialization of large-size high-speedprecision grinding roll grinding wheel
3.2017 The Third Prize of Yancheng Natural Science Outstanding AcademicAchievement
4.2008 The Special Prize for Outstanding Scientific Papers of Xiangtan City
Honorsand Awards
1.Main cultivation object of Jiangsu Provincial "333 Project" in 2018;
2.Huanghai Scholar of Yancheng Institute of Technology;
1.Xu Jianguang, Fan Runze, Zhang Yu, Luo Juhua. A preparation method ofvanadium-doped carbon titanium sulfide battery anode material and itsapplications, 2020, China, ZL201711439760.2
2.Xu Jianguang, Yao Wei, Luo Juhua, Gu Daguo. A preparation method of nanolithium titanate and battery anode material, 2019, ZL201611174555.3
3.Xu Jianguang, Yao Wei, Luo Juhua, Gu Guoguo. A preparation method oftwo-dimensional nano Ti3C2 sheets, 2017, China, ZL201510712851.3
4.Xu Jianguang, Luo Juhua, Weng Baicheng, Chen Ming, Ni Rongfeng. A preparationmethod of nano molybdenum disilicide powder, Aug 24, 2016, China,ZL201410828048.1
5.Xu Jianguang, Yan Hanbing, a kind of PTFE composite and its preparation method,Apr 13, 2016, China, ZL2014100155144
1.Jianguang Xu*, Hongyan Hang,Chen Chen, Boman Li, Jiale Zhu, Wei Yao*, Surface oxygen-deficient Ti2SC forenhanced lithium-ion uptake,Chin. Chem. Lett., 2022,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cclet.2022.05.014.
2.Hui Chen, Ming Cheng, XueFeng, Yanan Chen, Fuyu Chen*,Jianguang Xu*, Analysis and optimization formulti-stack vanadium flow battery module incorporating electrodepermeability,Chem. Eng. J., 2022, 429, 132403.
3.Wang Yuqi, Zhang Mucheng, Xu Wei, Shen Xinyi, Gao Fei, Zhu Jiale, Wan Xiang,Lian Xiaojuan, Xu Jianguang *, Tong Yi *, chemical preparation of new Ti3C2MXene and the characteristics and mechanism based on MXene memristors, Journalof Physical Chemistry, 2022, 38 (3), 1907076.
4.Hui Chen, Ming Cheng, XueFeng, Yanan Chen, Fuyu Chen*,Jianguang Xu*, Analysis and optimization formulti-stack vanadium flow battery module incorporating electrodepermeability,J. Power Sources, 2021, 515, 230606.
5.Jianguang Xu*, Chen Gong,Kequan Cao, Liang Liu, and Juhua Luo, Formation of Ti3Sn(1-x)AlxC2 Powder bySelf-Propagating High Temperature Synthesis,Journal of Materials Engineeringand Performance, 2021, 30, 9008–9014.
6.Jianguang Xu*, Menglan Jin,Xinlu Shi, Qiuyu Li, Chengqiang Gan and Wei Yao*, Preparation of TiSi2 Powderswith Enhanced Lithium-Ion Storage via Chemical Oven Self-PropagatingHigh-Temperature Synthesis,Nanomaterials, 2021, 11, 2279.
7. Wei Yao, Shijie He,Youcai Xue, Qinfang Zhang, Jinshan Wang, Meng He,Jianguang Xu*, Chi Chen*, XuXiao*, V2CTx MXene Artificial Solid Electrolyte Interphases towardDendrite-Free Lithium Metal Anodes,ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2021, 9,9961-9969.
8.Haijiang Wu*, Jiale Zhu*,Liang Liu, Kequan Cao, Dan Yang, Chen Gong, Hao Lei, Hongyan Hang,Wei Yao,Jianguang Xu*, Intercalation and delamination of Ti2SnC with highlithium ion storage capacity,Nanoscale, 2021, 13 (15), 7355-7361.
9.Yao Wei, He Shijie,XuJianguang*, Wang Jinshan, He Meng, Zhang Qinfang*, Li Yao, Xiao Xu*,Polypyrrole Nanotube Sponge Host for Stable Lithium-Metal Batteries under LeanElectrolyte Conditions,ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2021, 9(6), 2543-2551.
10.Xu Jianguang*, Zhu Jiale,Gong Chen, Guan Zexin, Yang Dan, Shen Zhihan, Yao Wei*, Wu Haijiang*, Achievinghigh yield of Ti3C2Tx MXene few-layer flakes with enhanced pseudocapaciorperformance by decreasing precursor size,Chin. Chem. Lett., 2020, 31(4),1039-1043.
11.Miaocheng Zhang, Yuqi Wang,Fei Gao, Yu Wang, Xinyi Shen, Nan He, Jiale Zhu, Yihao Chen, Xiang Wan,Xiaojuan Lian, Ertao Hu,Jianguang Xu*, Yi Tong*, Formation of new MXene filmusing spinning coating method with DMSO solution and its application inadvanced memristive device,Ceram. Int., 2019, 45, 19467-19472.
12.Chao Liu, Qixiang Xu,Qinfang Zhang, Yisong Zhu, Mingwei Ji, Zhiwei Tong, Wenhua Hou*, YuZhang,Jianguang Xu*, Layered BiOBr/Ti3C2 MXene composite with improvedvisible-light photocatalytic activity,J. Mater. Sci., 2019, 54, 2458-2471.
13.Wei Yao*, Zixuan Xu, XiaoXu, Yu Xie, Weijie Qiu,Jianguang Xu*, Dewei Zhang, Two-dimensional holeyZnFe2O4 nanosheet/reduced graphene oxide hybrids by self-link of nanoparticlesfor high-rate lithium storage,Electrochimica Acta, 2018, 292, 390-398.
14.Hong Yan, Wei Yao, RunzeFan, Yu Zhang, Juhua Luo,Jianguang Xu*, Mesoporous Hierarchical Structure ofLi4Ti5O12/Graphene with High Electrochemical Performance in Lithium-IonBatteries,ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2018, 6 (9), 11360-11366.
15.Jianguang Xu*, Yu Zhang,Jinshun Qi, Yu Wang, Juhua Luo, Wei Yao*, Preparation of nanocrystalline MoSi2with enhanced lithium storage by sol–gel and carbonthermal reductionmethod,Ceram. Int., 2018, 44(8), 9494-9498.
16.Wei Yao*, Weijie Qiu, YuXie, Zixuan Xu,Jianguang Xu*, Dewei Zhang, Yongchun Wen, Pseudocapacitive LithiumStorage in Three‐Dimensional Cobalt‐Doped MnO/Nitrogen‐Doped Reduced GrapheneOxide Aerogels as High‐Rate Anode Material,ChemElectroChem, 2018, 5 (22),3419-3425.
17.Wei Yao*, Mengqiang Zhao, YiDai, Jiali Tang,Jianguang Xu*, Micro-/Mesoporous Zinc–Manganese Oxide/GrapheneHybrids with High Specific Surface Area: A High-Capacity, Superior-Rate, andUltralong-Life Anode for Lithium Storage,ChemElectroChem, 2017, 4(1), 230-235.
18.Jianguang Xu#, Meng-QiangZhao#, Yuchen Wang#, Wei Yao, Chi Chen, Babak Anasori, Asia Sarycheva, Chang E.Ren, Tyler Mathis, Luisa Gomes, Liang Zhenghua, Yury Gogotsi*, Demonstration ofLi-Ion Capacity of MAX Phases,ACS Energy Letters, 2016, 1(6), 1094-1099.
19.Wei Yao*, Yi Dai, Kang Ge,Juhua Luo, Qingle Shi,Jianguang Xu*, Strongly coupled hybrid ZnCo2O4 quantumdots/reduced graphene oxide with high-performance lithium storagecapability,Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 210, 783-791.
20.Fang Chen,Jianguang Xu*,Yubin Liu, Lei Cai,In situ reactive spark plasma sintering of WSi2/MoSi2composites,Ceram. Int., 2016, 42(9), 11165-11169.
21.Jianguang Xu*, Yuchen Wang,Baicheng Weng, Fang Chen,Preparation and Characterization ofMoSi2/WSi2Composites from MASHSed Powder,Materials Transactions, 2015, 56(3),313-316.
22.Jianguang Xu*, Hanbing Yan,Daguo Gu, Friction and wear behavior of polytetrafluoroethene composites filledwith Ti3SiC2,Materials & Design, 2014, 61, 270-274.
23.Xiaodong Zhang#,Jianguang Xu#,Hui Wang,Jiajia Zhang,Hanbing Yan,Bicai Pan,Jingfang Zhou,Yi Xie*,Ultrathin nanosheets of MAXphases with enhanced thermal and mechanical properties in polymericcompositions: the case of Ti3Si0.75Al0.25C2,Angewandte Chemie InternationalEdition, 2013, 52(16), 4361-4365.
24.Fang Chen,Jianguang Xu*,Jianhui Yan, Siwen Tang, Effects of Y2O3 on SiC/MoSi2 composite bymechanical-assistant combustion synthesis,International Journal of RefractoryMetals & Hard Materials, 2013, 36(1), 143-148.
25.Jianguang Xu*, Fang Chen,Feng Tan, In-situ preparation of SiC-MoSi2 composite by microwave reactionsintering,Ceramics International, 2012, 38(8), 6895-6898.
26.Fang Chen,Jianguang Xu*,Zhoufu Hou, In-Situ Pressureless Sintering of SiC/MoSi2Composites,CeramicsInternational, 2012, 38(4), 2767-2772.
27.Jianguang Xu, Adria R.Wilson, Aaron R. Rathmell, Jane Howe, Miaofang Chi, Benjamin J. Wiley*,Synthesis and Catalytic Properties of Au-Pd Nanoflowers,ACS Nano,2011, 5(8),6119-6127.
28.Jianguang Xu*, Haijiang Wu,Bo Li, Synthesis of MoSi2/WSi2 nanocrystalline powder by mechanical-assistantcombustion synthesis method,Int. Journal of Refractory Metals & HardMaterials, 2010, 28, 217-220.
29.Jianguang Xu*,Huiqiang Li,Haijiang Wu, Fangling Lei, Preparation of MoSi2/SiC composite by mechanical-assistantcombustion synthesis method,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 487,326-330.
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