Name: Song Mengxuan | |
Title: Professor | |
Email: | |
Mailing address: No. 2360 Jinhai Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai | |
Team Home Page: None |
EducationBackground and Working Experience
2022~PresentProfessor, School of Energy and Materials, Shanghai Polytechnic University
2019~2022Associate Professor, School of Electronic and Information Engineering, TongjiUniversity
2014~2018Assistant Professor, School of Electronic and Information Engineering, TongjiUniversity
2012~2014Post Doctor, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University
2007~2012Direct PhD of Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics, Department ofEngineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University
2003~2007Bachelor of Thermal Energy and Power Engineering, Department of EngineeringMechanics, Tsinghua University
2000~2003High school student, Ethnic High School, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao AutonomousPrefecture, Hunan Province
Engineering Mechanics, Python ArtificialIntelligence Program Design, etc.
Research Fields
Efficient utilization of wind energyresources (the wake flow of wind turbine, numerical simulation and micro-sitingof wind farms)
Energy saving control of data center(heat dissipation optimization of power devices and automatic control ofthermal management system) Automatic driving of unmannedvehicles (intelligent navigation, behavior decision-making, path planning andcontrol of unmanned vehicles)
Part-timeAcademic Job
1.Secretary of Heat & Mass Transfer Branch of Chinese Society of EngineeringThermophysics (
1.A path planning method for unmanned vehicle based on flow field. National inventionpatent. Patent No.: CN108106623B, and date of granting patent: June 4, 2021.
2.A trajectory planning method based on flow field in dynamic environment.National invention patent. Patent No.: CN107992039B, and date of granting patent:November 27, 2020.
Software Copyrights
1.Aeolux wind farm flow field numerical simulation software. Computer softwarecopyright. Patent No.: 2013SR129237, 2013.
2.Aeolux wind farm micro-siting optimization software. Computer softwarecopyright. Patent No.: 2013SR129181, 2013.
3.Aeolux flow field 3D visualization software. Computer software copyright.Patent No.: 2013SR129185, 2013.
4.Wind farm terrain data gridding software (AeoluxGridData). Computer softwarecopyright. Patent No.: 2009SRBJ5538, 2009.
Recruita few master students with following requirements:
IBachelor's degree in thermal energy and power engineering or other majorsrelated to heat and mass transfer, energy power, and mechanics;
IProficient in English and able to read English academic papers;
lMaster at least one computer programming language;
lHave a positive working attitude, strive for advancement, and possess strongself-learning ability;
IBoast active thinking and good communication skills (critical).
Published Papers
1. XiangBo Chen, XiaoNian Wang*, MengXuan Song. Uncertainty-guided featuremixing and cross-decoupled pseudo supervision for semi-supervised semanticsegmentation. 2022 17th International Conference on Control, Automation,Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), Singapore, 2022.
2. ChunYu Feng, XiaoNian Wang, YangYang Zhang, ChengFeng Zhao, MengXuanSong*. CASwin Transformer: a hierarchical cross attention transformer for depthcompletion. 2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on IntelligentTransportation Systems (ITSC), Aomen, China, 2022.
3. Kai Chen*, JiaJun Zhang, XiaoLing Wu, MengXuan Song, Xing Zhang*. Hotspot temperature optimization of customized region in multi-region integratedsystem based on variational method. International Journal of Heat and MassTransfer 193:122964, 2022.
4. ChaoJie Zhang, Jun Wang*, MengXuan Song.A convolution based grid mapreconfiguration method for autonomous driving in highly constrainedenvironments. The 33rd IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Aachen, Germany,2022.
5. Yi Wen, MengXuan Song*, Jun Wang. Wind farm layout optimization withuncertain wind condition. Energy Conversion and Management 256:115347, 2022.
6. MengXuan Song, Kai Chen*, Xing Zhang*.Optimization of thevolume-to-point heat conduction problem with automatic differentiation basedapproach. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 177:121552, 2021.
7. Kai Chen, JunSheng Hou, XiaoLing Wu*, YiMing Chen, MengXuan Song,ShuangFeng Wang*. Design of flow pattern in air-cooled battery thermalmanagement system. International Journal of Energy Research 45(6):9541-9554,2021.
8. JiaJun Zhang, XiaoLing Wu, Kai Chen, Dan Zhou, MengXuan Song.Experimental and numerical studies on an efficient transient heat transfermodel for air-cooled battery thermal management systems. Journal of PowerSources 490:229539, 2021.
9. Kai Chen, JunSheng Hou, MengXuan Song, ShuangFeng Wang*, Wei Wu, YanLaiZhang. Design of battery thermal management system based on phase changematerial and heat pipe. Applied Thermal Engineering 188:116665, 2021.
10. Kai Chen*, YiMing Chen, MengXuan Song, ShuangFeng Wang*.Multi-parameter structure design of parallel mini-channel cold plate forbattery thermal management. International Journal of Energy Research44(6):4321-4334, 2020.
11. Kai Chen*, YiMing Chen, YiQi She, MengXuan Song, ShuangFeng Wang, LinChen. Construction of effective symmetrical air-cooled system for batterythermal management. Applied Thermal Engineering 166:114679, 2020.
12. MengXuan Song, Kai Chen, Jun Wang*. A two-level approach forthree-dimensional micro-siting optimization of large-scale wind farms.Energy190:116340, 2020.
13. Qiu Fang, Zhe Li*, YaoNan Wang, MengXuan Song,Jun Wang.Aneural-network enhanced modeling method for real-time evaluation of thetemperature distribution in a data center. Neural Computing & Applications31(12):8379-8391, 2019.
14. YinQi Liu, MengXuan Song*, YaFeng Guo. An incremental fusing methodfor high-difinition map updating. 2019 IEEE International Conference onSystems, Man and Cybernetics:4251-4256, Bari, Italy, 2019.
15. MengXuan Song, Nan Wang, Tim Gordon, Jun Wang*.Flow-field guided steeringcontrol for rigid autonomous ground vehicles in low-speed manoeuvring. VehicleSystem Dynamics 57(8):1090-1107, 2019.
16. MengXuan Song, Timothy Gordon, YinQi Liu, Jun Wang*. Flow field andneural network guided steering control for rigid autonomous vehicles. 26thSymposium of the International Association of Vehicle System Dynamics,Gothenburg, Sweden, 2019.
17. Kai Chen, MengXuan Song, Wei Wei, ShuangFengWang*.Designof the structure of battery pack in parallel air-cooled battery thermalmanagement system for cooling efficiency improvement. International Journal ofHeat and Mass Transfer 132:309-321, 2019.
18. Bin Xu, XiaoNian Wang*, MengXuan Song. Extending the dynamic stixelworld with B-spline based road estimation for obstacle detection. 2018 ChineseAutomation Congress, Xian, China, 2018.
19. Qiu Fang, Qi Wang, MengXuan Song*, Jun Wang. Control-orientedmodelling and evaluation for the temperature distribution in data-centers. 16thInternational Heat Transfer Conference, Beijing, China, 2018.
20. Kai Chen, MengXuan Song, Wei Wei, ShuangFeng Wang*. Structureoptimization of parallel air-cooled battery thermal management system withU-type flow for cooling efficiency improvement. Energy 145:603, 2018.
21. MengXuan Song, Kai Chen, Jun Wang*. Three-dimensional wind turbinepositioning using Gaussian particle swarm optimization with differentialevolution. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 172:317-324,2018.
22. Nan Wang, MengXuan Song, Jun Wang*, Timothy Gordon. A flow-fieldguided method of path planning for unmanned ground vehicle. IEEE Conference onDecision and Control, Melbourne, Australia, 2017.
23. Kai Chen*, ZeYu Li, YiMing Chen, ShuMing Long, JunSheng Hou, MengXuanSong, ShuangFeng Wang*. Design of parallel air-cooled battery thermalmanagement system through numerical study.Energies10(10):1677, 2017.
24. Qiu Fang, Jun Wang*, Qi Gong, MengXuan Song.Thermal-aware energymanagement of an HPC data center via two-time-scale control. IEEE Transactionson Industrial Informatics 13(5):2260-2269, 2017.
25. MengXuan Song, Yi Wen, Bin Duan, Jun Wang*, Qi Gong. Micro-sitingoptimization of a wind farm built in multiple phases. Energy 137:95-103, 2017.
26. Kai Chen, Xing Zhang*, MengXuan Song, ZhongYang He. Anemometer positioningoptimization for flow field calculation in wind farm. Journal of EnergyEngineering 143(5):4017038, 2017.
27. MengXuan Song, Kai Chen, Jun Wang*. Numerical study on the optimizedcontrol of CRACs in a data center based on fast temperature predicting model.Journal of Energy Engineering 143(5):4017041, 2017.
28. Kai Chen*, ShuangFeng Wang*, MengXuan Song, Lin Chen. Structureoptimization of air-cooled battery thermal management system. InternationalJournal of Heat and Mass Transfer 111:943-952, 2017.
29. MengXuan Song, Nan Wang, Tim Gordon, Jun Wang*. A fluid dynamicsapproach to motion control for rigid autonomous ground vehicles. InternationalSymposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks, Queensland, Australia,2017.
30. Kai Chen, ShuangFeng Wang*, MengXuan Song, LinChen.Configurationoptimization of battery pack in parallel air-cooled battery thermal managementsystem using an optimization strategy. Applied Thermal Engineering 123:177-186,2017.
31. Kai Chen, ShuangFeng Wang*, MengXuan Song.Heat source layoutoptimization in two-dimensional heat conduction using simulated annealingmethod. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 108,PartA:210-219,2017.
32. Yi Wen, MengXuan Song*, Jun Wang. Wind speed forecasting based onwavelet decomposition and the combined regression method. The First AsianConference on Thermal Sciences, Jeju, Korea, 2017.
33. Yi Wen, MengXuan Song, Jun Wang*. A combined AR-kNN model forshort-term wind speed forecasting. IEEE Conference on Decision andControl:6342-6346, Las Vegas, USA, 2016.
34. MengXuan Song, BingHeng Wu, Kai Chen, Xing Zhang,Jun Wang*.Simulatingthe wake flow effect of wind turbines on velocity and turbulence using particlerandom walk method. Energy 116,Part 1:583-591, 2016.
35. Kai Chen*, MengXuan Song, Xing Zhang, ShuangFeng Wang. Wind turbinelayout optimization with multiple hub height wind turbines using greedyalgorithm. Renewable Energy 96(Part A):676-686, 2016.
36. Kai Chen, ShuangFeng Wang*, MengXuan Song. Temperature-gradient-awarebionic optimization method for heat source distribution in heat conduction.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 100:737-746, 2016.
37. MengXuan Song, Han Zhu, Qiu Fang, Jun Wang*. Thermal-aware load balancingin a server rack. IEEE Conference on Control Applications:462-467, BuenosAires, Argentina, 2016.
38. Jie Liu, MengXuan Song, Kai Chen, BingHeng Wu, Xing Zhang*. Anoptimization methodology for wind lens profile using Computational FluidDynamics simulation. Energy 109:602-611, 2016.
39. Zhu Han, Song Mengxuan, Fang Qiu, Wang Jun. Dynamic temperatureestimation model for data centers. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics37(3):602-608, 2016.
40. Kai Chen, ShuangFeng Wang*, MengXuan Song.Optimization of heat sourcedistribution for two-dimensional heat conduction using bionic method.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 93:108-117, 2016.
41. MengXuan Song, Kai Chen, Xing Zhang, Jun Wang*. Optimization of windturbine micro-siting for reducing the sensitivity of power generation to winddirection. Renewable Energy 85:57-65, 2016.
42. Ding Yonggang, Zhang Xing*, Song Mengxuan, Chen Kai, Wu Bingheng. Researchon back-swept blade design method for horizontal axis wind turbine. Journal ofEngineering Thermophysics 36(11):2481-2486, 2015.
43. MengXuan Song, Xing Zhang*, Jun Wang, Qi Gong. Three-dimensionalmicro-siting of wind farm on complex terrains. International Workshop on HeatTransfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control:IWHT2015-1144,Taipei, Taiwan, 2015.
44. WeiTing Qiao, Jun Wang*, MengXuan Song, Yi Wen.Wind farm micro-siting basedon auto-regressive wind prediction. IEEE Conference on Control Applications,Sydney, Australia, 2015.
45. Han Zhu, Jun Wang*, MengXuan Song, Qiu Fang. Thermal-aware loadprovisioning for server clusters by using model predictive control. IEEEConference on Control Applications:336-340, Sydney, Australia, 2015.
46. MengXuan Song, Kai Chen, Xing Zhang*, Jun Wang. The lazy greedyalgorithm for power optimization of wind turbine positioning on complexterrain. Energy 80:567-574, 2015.
47.Wu Bingheng, Song Mengxuan, Chen Kai, He Zhongyang, Zhang Xing*. Wind resourceevaluation system for wind farm based on particle wake model. Journal ofEngineering Thermophysics 35 (12): 2442-2446, 2014.
48. Kai Chen, MengXuan Song, Xing Zhang*. Binary-real coding geneticalgorithm for wind turbine positioning in wind farm. Journal of Renewable andSustainable Energy 6:53115, 2014.
49. Kai Chen, MengXuan Song, Xing Zhang*. The iteration method for towerheight matching in wind farm design. Journal of Wind Engineering and IndustrialAerodynamics 132:37-48, 2014.
50. Kai Chen, MengXuan Song, Xing Zhang*. The investigation oncomputational grids in wind turbine positioning optimization using greedyalgorithm. Chinese Science Bulletin 59(26):3304-3313, 2014.
51. MengXuan Song, BingHeng Wu, Kai Chen, ZhongYang He, Xing Zhang*.Numerical assessment and optimization of wind farm on complex terrain. The 15thInternational Heat Transfer Conference:IHTC15-8834, Kyoto, Japan, 2014.
52. Kai Chen, MengXuan Song, Xing Zhang*. The random walking method forsteady linear convection-diffusion equation with axisymmetric disc boundary.Science China Technological Sciences 57(4):804-810, 2014.
53. MengXuan Song, Kai Chen, ZhongYang He, Xing Zhang*. Optimization ofwind farm micro-siting for complex terrain using greedy algorithm. Energy67:454-459, 2014.
54. MengXuan Song, Kai Chen, ZhongYang He, Xing Zhang*. Wind resourceassessment on complex terrain based on observations of a single anemometer.Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 125:22-29, 2014.
55.Wu Bingheng, Song Mengxuan, Chen Kai, Zhang Xing*. The development of real-timespeed and temperature prediction system for single wind turbine. Journal ofEngineering Thermophysics 35 (2): 295-298, 2014.
56. BingHeng Wu, MengXuan Song, Kai Chen, ZhongYang He, Xing Zhang*. Windpower prediction system for wind farm based on auto regressive statisticalmodel and physical model. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 6:13101,2014.
57. MengXuan Song, BingHeng Wu, Xing Zhang*. Design of a real-timeforecasting system of wind farm. International Symposium on InnovativeMaterials for Processes in Energy Systems, Fukuoka, Japan, 2013.
58. Kai Chen, MengXuan Song, Xing Zhang*.A statistical method tomerge wind cases for wind power assessment of wind farm. Journal of WindEngineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 119:69-77, 2013.
59.Song Mengxuan, He Zhongyang, Chen Kai, Zhang Xing. Application of micro-sitingsoftware for wind farms. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics 34 (7):1299-1302, 2013.
60. Kai Chen, MengXuan Song, ZhongYang He, Xing Zhang*. Wind turbinepositioning optimization of wind farm using greedy algorithm. Journal ofRenewable and Sustainable Energy 5:23128, 2013.
61.Chen Kai, Song Mengxuan, Zhang Xing*. Numerical study of kinetomass diffusivewake model. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics 34 (4): 724-727, 2013.
62. Kai Chen, MengXuan Song, Xing Zhang*. The investigation of towerheight matching optimization for wind turbine positioning in the wind farm.Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 114:83-95, 2013.
63. MengXuan Song, Kai Chen, ZhongYang He, Xing Zhang*. Bionicoptimization for micro-siting of wind farm on complex terrain. Renewable Energy50:551-557, 2013.
64. Kai Chen, MengXuan Song, Xing Zhang*. Kinetomass model for wake flowsimulation of wind turbine. The Ninth International Conference on FlowDynamics, Sendai, Japan, 2012.
65. MengXuan Song, Kai Chen, ZhongYang He, Xing Zhang*. Particle model forwake flow simulation of wind turbines on complex terrain. The Twelfth Kyoto -Tsinghua - Seoul National University Thermal Engineering Conference:55-60,Kyoto, Japan, 2012.
66. MengXuan Song, Kai Chen, ZhongYang He, Xing Zhang*. Wake flow model ofwind turbine using particle simulation. Renewable Energy 41:185-190, 2012.
67.He Zhongyang, Song Mengxuan, Zhang Xing*. Influence of terrain surfacetemperature on wind farm simulation. CIESC Journal 63 (S1): July 11, 2012.
68.Wu Bingheng, Song Mengxuan, Chen Kai, Zhang Xing*. Large eddy simulation ofwind farm. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics 33 (4): 677-680, 2012.
69. MengXuan Song, Xing Zhang*. Micro-siting technology of wind farm andits software development. International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances forEnergy Conversation and Pollution Control:IWHT2011-117, Xi'an, China, 2011.
70. MengXuan Song, Xing Zhang*. Micro-siting technology of wind farm oncomplex terrain. The Asia-Oceania Top University League on Engineering,Beijing, China, 2011.
71. Song Mengxuan, Chen Kai, Zhang Xing, Wang Jun.Developingthe software for wind farm micro-siting based on CFD calculations. Journal ofEngineering Thermophysics 32 (6): 989-992, 2011.
72. TingTing Miao, MengXuan Song, WeiGang Ma, Xing Zhang*. Theoreticalcalculations of thermophysical properties of single-wall carbon nanotubebundles.Chinese Physics B 20:56501, 2011.
73. Chen Kai, Song Mengxuan, Zhang Xing *, Wang Jun.Turbine wake model based on mass diffusion. CIESC Journal 62(S1): 54-59, 2011.
74. MengXuan Song, Kai Chen, Xing Zhang*, Jun Wang. Bionic optimizationfor wind farm micro-siting based on CFD calculations. The Seventh InternationalConference on Flow Dynamics:142-143, Sendai, Japan, 2010.
75. Kai Chen, MengXuan Song, Xing Zhang*, Jun Wang. Mass diffusive wakemodel for micro-siting optimization of wind farm. The Seventh InternationalConference on Flow Dynamics:144-145, Sendai, Japan, 2010.
76. MengXuan Song, Kai Chen, Xing Zhang*. Wind farm micrositing technologyand its software development. The Tenth Kyoto - Seoul National - TsinghuaUniversity Thermal Engineering Conference:46-51, Beijing, China, 2010.
77. MengXuan Song, Kai Chen, Xing Zhang*, Jun Wang.Developing the software forwind turbine micro-siting with CFD calculations. The 4th InternationalSymposium on the East Asian Environmental Problems:217-221, Shanghai, China,2010.
78. BingHeng Wu, MengXuan Song, Kai Chen, Xing Zhang*. Large eddysimulation of wind farm. The 4th International Symposium on the East AsianEnvironmental Problems:229-234, Shanghai, China, 2010.
79. Kai Chen, MengXuan Song, Xing Zhang*, Jun Wang.Bionic optimization formicro-siting of wind farm. The 4th International Symposium on the East AsianEnvironmental Problems:223-228, Shanghai, China, 2010.
80. ZhongYang He, MengXuan Song, Xing Zhang*. Numerical simulation of windflow over complex terrain in curvilinear grid system. The 4th InternationalSymposium on the East Asian Environmental Problems:211-216, Shanghai, China,2010.
81. MengXuan Song, Kai Chen, Xing Zhang*, Jun Wang.Bionic optimization for windfarm micrositing based on CFD calculations. The Seventh InternationalConference on Flow Dynamics:142-143, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan, 2010.
82.Song Mengxuan, Yan Huan, Zhang Xing*. Theoretical calculations of thermalproperties of multi-wall carbon nanotubes. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics29 (10): 1715-1718, 2008.